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1. The 3rd meeting of 10th member of council in the combustion institute of ROC was hold at 3 pm, Sep. 1 2010. in conference room of PME, Formosa University.
中華民國燃燒學會於201091() 下午3點,假動機系會議室舉行第十屆第三次理監事聯席會議。當日恰逢颱風來襲,大多數理監事及本校校長林振德仍冒雨前來參加。當日會議進行許多議案討論,決議由本校動力機械系承接第21屆燃燒與能源學術研討會,預計於201136()假本校舉行,並決議邀請國際燃燒領域知名學者Prof. Richard Yetter (Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University)進行大會邀請演講。Dr. Richard Yetter 專長為Combustion/environmental science, combustion chemistry, heterogeneous combustion, materials synthesis, propellant combustion, combustion generated pollutants, atmospheric plume chemistry, chemical processing.,並為Combustion Science and Technology journal 的編輯。
圖一、校長與理監事會談(起:台大機械教授,台電獨立董事馬小康教授、成大航太所王覺寬教授;右起:成大航太所, 國科會航太學門召集人趙怡欽教授、燃燒學會理事長, 中央機械施聖洋教授)
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